European Women Lawyers' Association (EWLA) - Statement, 31.08.2010
Consultation on Green Paper on Corporate Governance in Financial Institutions and Remuneration Policies
The European Commission has launched a public consultation on the Green paper on Corporate governance in financial institutions and remuneration policies. The European Women Lawyers Association (EWLA) submits the following statement.
EWLA welcomes the Commission’s consultation especially because it includes the issue of women on the boards of companies. EWLA has promoted the issue of more gender equality in corporate boards for many years and its General Assembly has passed several resolutions urging the European Parliament and European Commission to promote a balanced participation of women and men on corporate boards.1 In these efforts EWLA cooperates with and is fully supported by the national women lawyers’ associations that are EWLA members, as well as associations that are promoting women in top positions, like ‘Frauen in die Aufsichtsräte’ – FidAR e.V. [‘Women on Corporate Boards’ Association in Germany].
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